How To Sew A Hole – Simple Steps You Need To Follow

No matter how careful you’re with your garments someday they’ll eventually wear out and leave a hole.

Most people won’t bother to repair it because they believed it can’t be fixed even if it’s a tiny hole.

But what if your garment is expensive and it’s a new one? Do you still want to throw away that piece?

I bet you don’t want to do that if you knew there was a way to fix it!

With a sewing machine or with hand stitching you can repair a hole within minutes.

Though this depends on size and fabric type, you can make your piece of clothing look presentable again.

Whenever you developed a hole you don’t always have to buy a new one, with few simple steps which we’ll share in this article you can fix it right away with hand stitching or a sewing machine if you have one.

You just need the basic knowledge on how to wield your needle, thimble, and thread.

If you want to make your hole repair look perfect you have to find a matching thread for your piece of clothing.

It’s one of the most important factors that’ll make your hole repair unnoticed.

Let’s move on to share how you can repair a hole in simple steps.

Items You Need

The last 2 items aren’t mandatory; you can skip them if your work doesn’t need them.

Step one

First, you need to turn your clothing inside out before you pick a needle and thread.

If you’re repairing drapes or curtains you should sew from the backside.

Step Two

Then you pick your thread that has the best matching color possible, you’ll hardly get 100% matching color, you just need to pick the one that’s closest.

If possible visit the store with your clothing material so that you can always place the thread close to the fabric and ensure they’re matching colors.

Don’t make the mistake of just identifying the color name and grabbing a thread with that color.

First instance if your clothing is blue you can’t just buy any blue thread, because blue itself has dozens of sub colors.

You need to also consider the thickness of the thread in relation to your fabric.

If the fabric is thin you should choose a thin needle and a thick fabric with a thick and long needle.

Step Three

Then you thread your needle; try to put the thread through the needle eye.

If you’re using a short needle it can be difficult though, you should consider adding your glasses if you have one and also you should try to sharpen the thread edge so that it looks even thinner.

You can also use your tongue to moisten the thread edge where you want to place through the needle eye.

Once you’re lucky one thread edge enters you pull it through so that it’s halfway to the other side.

You then make a knot at the edge of the long thread; this ensures that when you insert the needle for the first time the thread won’t pass through the clothing you want to repair.

Step four

Now everything is ready and you can start repairing the whole on your fabric.

You now need to grab the hole and close the area neatly in a way that if you stitch the fabric it’ll hardly show any sign of stitch.

Then you insert your needle at one edge, you go under and across the other side of the tear or hole.

You keep doing this by moving forward and when you reach the end of the tear you should do the same from the other edge also towards the first edge you started.

The hole should be securely closed after two rounds but if you are not satisfied you can go over again to make sure it’s well tight.

For large holes you need to turn the edge inward, you then hold the 2 sides like a sandwich.

If you can hold the 2 sides with your hand that will be ok, but you can use a straight pin to fasten them, this is better than using your hands.

When they’re held tight, you can now weave the needle in and out across the seam as you hold them together.

Sewing a Hole Tips

Don’t pull the thread very hard, it’ll show a sign of stitch and will draw attention.

Sometimes if it’s not a plain hole you have to do some cutting to ensure that the hole is uniform.

Some holes you need to find a piece of your clothing that will cover the whole.

For shirts, you can always find a piece to cut out when you turn the fabric inside out.

But for jeans I don’t think you can cut a piece from them without damaging your fabric, you might as well find another fabric with nearly the same color to cover the hole if it’s needed.

It’s better to use scissors for your cuttings than blades.

Iron the fabric to make sure your clothing is smooth, if it’s squeezed you can’t get good results.

Also when you finish stitching your clothing iron the stitch area to see if it can go back to normal without drawing attention.

If your work isn’t good you can always remove the stitch with a sharp blade and stitch again.

There are some holes that might not fix without been noticed, especially bigger holes.

Repairing a hole is a good way to save some money, but if the whole is considerably large and your fabric or clothing doesn’t cost much you can as well consider replacing it with a new one.

Holes are better repaired by hand but if you have a sewing machine you can try fixing the hole with it.

Machines are better when it comes to repairing large holes that require covering the hole with a piece.

In this way, you can go round the hole at once.

If you know how to stitch well you can even turn the hole into some design and it will look good on your fabric piece.

Using these few tips can help you repair your hole without much hassle if you still need more help you can always search for more online to see how it’s done with screenshots or videos.

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